What is House Wrap?

house wrap

Many people have heard of house wrap but don’t really know what it is or why it’s used. Like roofing underlayment, house wrap is a barrier that offers added protection against water intrusion to your home’s exterior walls. Just as your roof relies on underlayment to provide a water-resistive barrier that protects the roof decking, […]

Can I Convert My Attic for Additional Storage?

an attic cleaned out

Many homeowners eager to make more room within their homes look to the attic for additional storage space. We understand the thinking. Afterall, most attics are what most people would consider “dead” space. Homeowners look at the attic above the garage and see a space that can house seasonal decorations, clothing, and random clutter that […]

Safely Removing Icicles

safely removing icicles from roof

A long line of glistening icicles hanging off the edge of your roof may look beautiful, but the truth is they may be doing significant damage to your home. And that’s aside from the potential danger they pose from suddenly detaching and hitting what—or who—happens to be below. In this article, we’ll discuss how icicles […]

The Top 6 Reasons Roofs Fail

The roof of a house

The roof is one of the important components of any building. It provides shelter from the elements and helps regulate the temperature inside the building throughout the year. Many homeowners lie awake at night literally worrying about the roof over their heads. Roof failure is among the most stressful issues any homeowner can face. A […]

Safely Removing Load-Bearing Walls

Load bearing wall

Since the 1990s, open floor plans have dominated architectural designs for new residential construction and have been the inspiration for many home remodeling projects in older homes. In order to achieve this design concept, the walls separating the kitchen from the dining room and living room often need to be removed. In some cases, the […]