Tag Archives: ozone cleaning

The Dangers of DIY Ozone Cleaning

DIY Ozone Cleaning

Residential ozone cleanings are often needed in restoration projects in order to mitigate lingering odors stemming from fire or water damage. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, homeowners are now significantly concerned about sanitizing the interior of their homes in an effort to prevent the spread of disease. Ozone generators have been available on […]

Ozone Cleaning 101: Purify the Air Inside Your Home

Ozone cleaning 101.

How It Purifies the Air Inside Your Home & Eliminates Persistent Odors Whether during a restoration or a more standard spring cleaning, one of the biggest challenges to overcome in any home is getting rid of persistent bad odors. Because microscopic particles from the source of the odor settle into a home’s “soft” surfaces – […]