Tag Archives: Roof Leaks

Common Places for Your Roof to Leak

Man holding pans to stop leak

Roof leaks can be frustrating for homeowners. A constant water drip would drive anyone insane. Knowing you have a leak can be obvious when you see water spots or water dripping from your ceiling. While it can be easy to recognize leaks, it can also be difficult to find the source of that leak.  How […]

Surprising Sources of Water Intrusion

Water intrusion

Most homeowners are keenly aware of the most common sources of water intrusion in their homes. They keep an eye out for failing foundation sump pumps, water spots on the ceiling that may indicate a leaking roof and are careful to prevent their pipes from freezing during the most frigid winter days. However, there are […]

Storm Damage Check List

Storm Damage Check List

Check Your Home for Storm Damage with this Storm Damage Check List Damage to your home can happen even if your property with high winds and heavy rains.  Spring is notorious for causing damage for many home owners because of high winds and saturated ground.  We put together a check list for you to quickly […]