5 Weather Conditions that Damage Your Roof (and What You Should Do)

Damaged roof caused by severe weather

Dealing with roof damage caused by unpredictable weather can be incredibly frustrating. Your roof is one of the most critical components of your home, providing protection and comfort to your family. 

Unfortunately, weather-related damage can happen unexpectedly and often requires immediate attention to prevent further issues. In this, we’ll discuss the most common weather conditions that can damage your roof and what you can do to protect it.

Why is the Weather Damaging My Roof? 

Various weather patterns, especially harsh conditions, can cause significant damage to your roof, whether it happens instantly or over a long period. Different roofing materials respond differently to weather conditions. High-quality roof installation by experienced professionals is crucial to withstand these weather challenges. Typically though, you can expect a new roof to be long lasting, if installed properly.

1. High Winds

High winds are one of the most common weather patterns that can cause significant damage to roofs. Shingle roofs are particularly vulnerable, as high winds can peel back and tear off shingles completely. 

Once shingles are damaged, the underlayment and roof deck are exposed, leading to potential leaks and further damage. When dealing with high, winds the most common damages to your roof includes:

  • Shingle Peeling: High winds can lift and peel shingles, making the roof susceptible to leaks.
  • Shingle Tears: Strong gusts can tear shingles completely off the roof.
  • Debris Impact: Winds can blow debris onto the roof, causing punctures and other damage.

What to Do: Regularly inspecting your roof for loose or missing shingles can help catch issues early. Reinforce your roof with high-quality, wind-resistant materials, and consider professional roof inspections and maintenance after major wind storms to ensure your roof remains intact.

2. Heavy Rainfall

Heavy rainfall can cause significant damage to roofs over time, leading to leaks, rotten material, and structural issues. Prolonged exposure to heavy rain can wear down roofing materials, especially if the roof is not properly maintained. Depending on the quality and age of your roof, persistent heavy rainfall can lead to damages such as:

  • Leaks: Persistent rain can find its way through small cracks and weak spots, leading to leaks inside your home.
  • Rot: Continuous moisture can cause wood rot in the roof deck and supports.
  • Mold and Mildew: Excess moisture can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can be harmful to your health and the structural integrity of your roof.

Man holding pot collecting water from leaking roof.

What to Do: Ensure your roof is properly sealed and that gutters are clear of debris to prevent water buildup. Using roofing materials that provide excellent protection and longevity, such as metal or tile, can offer added defense against heavy rainfall. Additionally, schedule regular roof inspections to catch and repair small issues before they become major problems.

3. Snow

Snow buildup over time can cause considerable damage to your roof. Heavier snow accumulation can stress the roof’s structure, especially if the roof is not well-maintained. Additionally, melting snow can cause leaks if the water is not properly drained. Residents in areas where there is heavy snowfall throughout the winter months can be suspect to roof damages, which include:

  • Structural Stress: Heavy snow can add significant weight to the roof, causing stress and potential structural damage.
  • Ice Dams: Melting snow can refreeze at the roof’s edge, creating ice dams that prevent proper drainage and lead to water backup under the shingles.
  • Leaks: As snow melts and refreezes, it can create leaks that seep into your home.

What to Do: Remove excess snow from your roof using a roof rake or professional service to reduce weight and prevent structural stress. Ensure your roof is well-insulated to prevent ice dams from forming, and keep gutters and downspouts clear to allow melting snow to drain properly.

4. Ice

Freezing temperatures and ice buildup can cause significant damage to different roofing materials. Ice can build up on the roof’s edges and in the gutters, leading to ice dams that prevent proper drainage. 

Major ice dam formed on roof and shingles.

Heavy ice formation can result in the following to the roof of your home:

  • Ice Dams: Similar to snow, ice dams can cause water to back up under the shingles, leading to leaks.
  • Gutter Damage: The weight of ice can damage gutters and downspouts.
  • Cracked Shingles: Freeze-thaw cycles can cause shingles to crack and break.

What to Do: Regularly check and maintain your gutter system to ensure proper drainage and minimize the risk of ice buildup.

5. Hail

Heavy storms that produce hail can cause serious damage to all types of roofing materials. Hail can dent metal roofs, crack tiles, and tear off shingles, leading to exposed roof areas and potential leaks. Soft roofing materials such as metal are more prone to receiving dents from heavy hail, while materials such as tiles and shingles are more prone to cracking and breaking from extreme hail. 

What to Do: Conduct thorough inspections after hail storms to identify and repair any damage. If you live in an area prone to hail storms, consider installing roofing material that is designed for harsher conditions for added durability.

Man fixing damaged roof.

What to Do if the Weather Damaged My Roof? 

If your roof has suffered minor damage from the weather, cover any exposed areas with a tarp to prevent further damage and clear debris from the roof and gutters to allow for proper drainage. Although it is not suggested, temporary roof fixes can hold just fine

For major damages, it’s essential to contact roofing professionals to provide a quality fix. Expert roofers can assess the damage accurately and perform necessary repairs to restore your roof’s integrity.

Prevent Future Roof Damages 

At Aapex Construction & Restoration, we offer expert roofing services to protect your home from weather-related damage. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch installation and repair services to keep your roof in excellent condition. 

Contact us today to schedule an inspection or to learn more about how we can help you protect your roof from the elements.

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